Thursday, May 19, 2011

The right ways to wash your face #1: do not steam before removing your makeup

Today this topic pops up in my mind I'd like to write about the right ways to washing face as to me this is the first and most important step in the whole skincare routine. Having said that, many people I know are not doing it right! and that is the root cause of many skin problems - blemish or acne from makeup residue, yellowish skin from accumulated dead skin cells. I believe how well you wash your face is likely to be the reason of how good your skin looks. 

Some may think steaming is good when washing your face as it opens the pores.'s only partly true! My suggestion is not to steam with your makeup still on as the heat may cause chemical reaction (with your makeup) which is harmful to your skin. It's always important to remove the makeup and any dirt on the skin surface before opening the pores which is supposed to be the step for deep cleansing. So I never do makeup removal and deep cleansing in one step, that has to come in order.

Expert also says that active agents in many makeup removers are likely to dissolve in the heat and easily penetrate through pores. That sounds even more scary to me. And for the same reason I also learnt that I should never massage my face with any makeup remover and the products no matter if it's oil or water I should not let them stay on my face for more than 40 seconds. This has been my washing habit for over 10 years now and I have to say this is so so valuable and true!

Will talk more about the proper ways of washing face in the next couple of posts, happy washing!


  1. Spiezia Organic Facial Cleanser is an oil-based(Balm-like) face cleanser for all skin type and a make up remover. The company says it can also be used to massage face while cleansing. would you use it to do facial massage while washing your face?

    Ingredients:coconut oil, jojoba oil, sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, roman camomile, marigold, eucalyptus, clove, grapefruit seed extract, clary sage, wheatgerm oil.

    After the "Face wash" series, could you do a post on how to deep cleansing and control oil properly without overdoing them, also posts on face massage(that is if you include it in your routine)?

    Thank you

  2. Hello Valerie, how do you do? Thanks for leaving a comment!

    Good question! When people use all-natural products many neglect the important fact about proper skincare basics, which can be as simple as avoiding hot or cold water when washing your face. From my experience I learnt that natural ingredients are safe on skin but not necessarily good for every one of us if we don't care about the basics.

    About Spiezia Cleanser, I have a quick look at their website since I’m not familiar with this brand. With all the promises and endorsements Spiezia seems to be a genuine skin-friendly brand at a good natural quality.

    To your question, I would not massage while cleansing or removing makeup no matter how natural the products are. When I say “massage” I press on a few pressure points on my face to stimulate blood circulation and toxin removal. Think about skin’s natural reaction, these moves also open the pores and this is when I do not want my makeup residue or dirt to get in.

    I'm glad that you are interested in some other topics like deep cleansing, massage and oil control. I will definitely post more and please stay tuned!

  3. Thank you for the reply, I am looking forward to your next posts.



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