Monday, September 19, 2011

Oil Control Series #1: Keep your oil and water balance in the day

Oil and water imbalance to me is the most critical reason for skin problems. We need to keep the oil at bay because too much oil will cause breakouts, acne, yellowish skin; while at the same time we need to replenish water loss as lack of moisture will cause wrinkles and dull skin. So no matter what skin type you are, the first step to beautiful young skin is to keep your oil and water balance all the time!

This series hopefully give you helpful tips on how to control your oil secretion, as the first step of balanced level of oil. Having said that, we don't want to cut the oil completely (there's always good oil that acts as a layer / film to seal your skin moisture), but we definitely need to avoid excessive oil secretion. For those who have dry skin, you may also want to take note because lack of moisture may stimulate oil glands to secrete more oil.
A few tips for oil control in daytime (apply even you have dry skin) especially if you work long hours in the aircon or you are exposed to the sun which the heat speeds up oil secretion!

1. apply a LOT of toner before any lotion / cream in the morning, preferably oil-control toner if you have oily skin or simply hydrating toner for normal to dry skin. What "a LOT" means? I suggest we leave on for at least 1 minute for skin to absorb. For even better results, I usually cover my face with palms to help the absorption or soak cotton pads if I have more time.

2. put on oil control lotion on T-zone, followed by hydrating lotion, then foundation (if you want)

3. I find it a very good habit to carry a mini towel or handkercheif for 2 reasons: use less paper towels to save the planet, and gently remove my sweat to reduce oil secretion

4. I keep a mineral water spray or floral mist to cool down and refresh my skin to replenish with moisture and nutrients in the aircon or heat. Cooling my skin will help control my oil secretion and prevent loss of water.

Oil control is a healthy ritual for almost all skin types, I particularly pay more attention during my phase 3 of moon cycle and believe you know how to start now :)

1 comment:

  1. So you want to learn oil painting, this post contains really good information about it. Going to share it with my circle of friends so that they can get benefit out of it. Thank you for sharing it with us


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