Monday, May 2, 2011

How to take care of your skin in a moon cycle?

You may or may not aware that your skin condition changes at different times of the month. You may thought it was due to weather but most of the times your skin changes at a pattern which is determined by your body during different phases in your moon cycle.  Understand how and when your body changes help you take care of your skin in better ways. 
1-6 days (once menstruation starts) - during this phase the hormonal levels and body temperature are low with slower metabolism rate

What you need? Moisture and Nourish!
this is the period when you need the highest moisturization because your skin is the driest with lack of both moisture and oil caused by the low hormonal levels. I usually put a slightly heavier cream after my regular serum and also add nourishing and hydrating masks in my daily routine in this period.

7-13 days (between menstruation and ovulation) - during this phase the hormonal levels raise and your skin is at its best condition and I normally notice firmer and more radiant skin, even without much care. That is the benefit of the ever increasing levels of the oestrogen (female hormone)!

What you need? Deep Cleansing!
This is the period when more effective deep cleansing and skin revitalization take place. I usually use my regular serum with a thin layer of lotion only and I will add exfoliation and deep cleansing masks in my daily routine in this period.

14-28 days - this is the critical period! during this phase the level of androgens (male hormone) is higher than oestrogen and that increases secretions and causes acne and breakouts.

What you need? OIL CONTROL!
I take extra care during this period that my whole skin care regimen will be switched to oil control products from cleanser, toner, to lotion on forehead and T zone. This is important to prevent breakouts because I do not want to bear with all those acne scars that normally takes month to clear.

Notice the changes to your skin today and re-organize your regimen according to your moon cycle, enjoy!


  1. Great post!

    If you are on the pill, do you think this method might still be effective or do you have to modify it a bit?

  2. Hi there,
    thanks for your comment. good question! chances are your hormonal cycle might be more stable if you are on pill. Just need to know a bit more: do you experience skin condition change like in my post during a moon cycle?
    If so, this method would work as it addresses your different skin conditions. If you don't experience monthly breakout or exceptional dry skin during the cycle, you might want to modify it a bit. my suggestion would be to start using different amount with your regular products, observe and feel if there's a need to switch products. breakout is always a good sign of your hormonal change. hope it helps! enjoy!

  3. I do experience breakout sometimes before menstruation or during. I will take note for two months and see if there is a need to modify.

    Thank you Lala

  4. Sure, it's always helpful to take notes so you can see if there's any pattern, good luck!


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